
General Chapter and Associates Jeanne Jugan
Ten representatives of the Jeanne Jugan Associates came from all over the world to La Tour, to join the Little Sister Delegates in the final Sessions of the General Chapter concerning the Association Jeanne Jugan, its mission, and going forward into the future.
Following in St. Jeanne Jugan’s Footsteps
During this historic week for the Associates, they followed in the footsteps of St Jeanne Jugan
to the places of her origin.
Their schedule during this week at La Tour was punctuated by prayer, work meetings, and
the very important moments of meals taken together; moments of relaxation, and exchanges.
In their own words:
“Thursday was a particularly joyful day: The sun shone in the morning and accompanied us
throughout this day of pilgrimage to the places where Saint Jeanne lived.
We started with a visit to her birthplace in Cancale, followed by a short walk to the Pointe
du Groin, then by a moment of meditation in the chapel of Notre Dame du verger. (This a historic
little church where the women of Cancale prayed for the return of their husbands from the sea.
Jeanne would have often prayed there with her mother).
The little sisters of the community of Saint-Servan welcomed us at lunchtime to share their meal with us. They then served as our guide to visit the attic where St. Jeanne Jugan took the first old lady. We climbed the small staircase in the attic like a pilgrimage, because it is with this act, of mounting Anne Chauvin on her back and giving up her bed, that Jeanne Jugan began her work! It was also a unique opportunity for us to realize to what extent welcoming vulnerable elderly people was the central point of her charism. We continued the visits in the afternoon with that of the Maison de la Croix and its cellar, followed by a short walk around the house up to the Solidor tower.
Revising the Statutes of the Association
During our work meetings, Mother General insisted emphatically on the fact that the Little Sisters and the Associates shared the same charism with different but complementary vocations.
We help the Little Sisters of the Poor to, "make the elderly happy, that's all!" as Saint Jeanne Jugan said.
As the Little Sisters reviewed the constitutions of their congregation, we took advantage of this general chapter to revise the statutes of the Association Jeanne Jugan with them.
We hope that following this pandemic period, which has been so difficult for everyone, there will be a new impetus for the vocations of Little Sisters of the Poor and Associates.
This week at La Tour was one more opportunity to verify how much the welcome of the Little Sisters of the Poor is a warm welcome into their family.
Mother General offered each of us, a box with small objects symbolizing each of the Provinces, accompanied by a small booklet of Pope Francis' catecheses on old age. It is a very good way of reminding us of our attachment to the Church and to Pope Francis, who asks us to be missionary disciples and pilgrims of hope!

Sophie Raluy Associate delegate
for Province of Oceania.