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As Little Sisters of the Poor we follow the advice of Saint Jeanne Jugan, "Making the elderly happy - that is everything!" Volunteers play an essential role in achieving this goal, providing our Residents with the extra attention that makes all the difference in their lives.

Volunteers also provide invaluable support in many areas of our homes, both in direct contact with the elderly and through indirect services in various departments.

Although they render much service, our volunteers are unanimous through their contact with the elderly they receive much more than they give. Everyday they experience the truth of Jesus words, "It is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35).

Through their service our volunteers also help to further Saint Jeanne Jugans vision of hospitality as a humble, charitable service uniting in one family the Little Sisters, the elderly and lay collaborators who wish to serve Jesus Christ in the person of their needy brothers and sisters.

If you would like to enrich your own life, and the lives of the needy elderly through volunteering, contact the home nearest you. Individuals, families and groups are welcome.

Our Mission is to offer the neediest elderly of every race and religion a home where they will be welcomed as Christ, cared for as family and accompanied with dignity until God calls them to himself.

We adhere at all times to the Philosophy, Ethics and Moral Law of the Catholic Church, from whom the Congregation has received its mission.

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Copyright 2020 - Little Sisters of the Poor Oceania

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