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Eight Little Sisters celebrate Jubilees of Religious Profession

After the restrictions of COVID, a great community celebration!

The Jubilarians travelled from:

Noumea, Perth, Melbourne and Sydney

Sr. Angela (Australian)

Sr Winefred (English)

Sr. Nathalie (Samoan)

Sr. Marie Martha (Chinese)

 Sr Marie Elisabeth (French)

Sr. Rosemary (Australian)

Sr Marie Bernard (Filipino)

Sr. Soana  (Tongan)


unable to be present:

  Sr Colette (N.Z.)

70 years

60 years

60 years

60 years

50 years

50 years

25 years

25 years 



60 years

The  highlight was the Eucharistic Celebration on 11th May; the Mass was celebrated by Father Greg McEnnally, MSC our Chaplain, with Mgr. Frank Coorey, Fr. John Conroy MSC and Fr. Bill Aliprandi concelebrating.  The celebration was enhanced by the beautiful Samoan choir, led by the family of Sr Lucia of Sydney community. 
One of our Residents, a Christian Brother, Philip Redding, was also joining in the celebration as he was thanking the Lord for his 70 years of jubilee (dating from his entry, as is the custom of the Christian Brothers), so he and another Christian
Brother, Peter Hester from the Independent Living Units joined the Little Sisters in renewing their vows.

After the Sisters had renewed their profession, the Brothers then renewed theirs according to their formula and Fr. Greg and Fr. John Conroy renewed theirs according to the formula of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. It was very touching and enhanced the whole ceremony, giving us the opportunity to thank the Lord with our Little Sisters, the Brothers and the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart.


There followed 3 days of celebration which included a boat trip on the harbour and a visit to Government House with an unexpected chance encounter with Governor Margaret Beazley AC QC.
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